

Nil <- point (GPoint position, GColor color, Float size)
Draw a point. The given size is in pixels.

Nil <- line (GPoint position1, GPoint position2, GColor color)
Draw a line from position1 to position2.

Nil <- line (GPoint position1, GPoint position2, GColor color1, GColor color2)
Draw a line from position1 to position2 using a color gradient from color1 to color2.

Nil <- circle (GPoint position, GColor color, Float radius, Integer points)
Draw a circle using the given number of points.

Nil <- circleFilled (GPoint position, GColor color, Float radius, Integer points)
Draw a filled circle using the given number of points.

Nil <- circleFilled (GPoint position, GColor color1, GColor color2, Float radius, Integer points)
Draw a filled circle using the given number of points using a gradient from the center to the edge (color1 to color2).

Nil <- box (GPoint corner1, GPoint corner2, GColor color)
Draw a box represented by corner1 and corner2.

Nil <- boxFilled (GPoint corner1, GPoint corner2, GColor color)
Draw a filled box represented by corner1 and corner2.

Nil <- boxFilled (GPoint corner1, GPoint corner2, GColor color1, GColor color2, GColor color3, GColor color4)
Draw a filled box represented by corner1 and corner2, with gradients at each corner usiing color1, color2, color3, and color4.